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Very very impressed by @latte's website 🤩 This is very close to the ideal website for me. Deep, obviously well cultivated, playful, and with surprises around each corner. The about page is a masterpiece!

This weekend, I made a little with my friends at LudiHealth (in french)

Synopsis: A futur version of the player is sick and hacks player's phone to communicate with the past and revert bad habits to improve their health.

Play alpha version online :

More info :

My 5yo wants to make a little party to prepare halloween. I made him some cool invitation cards.

Trying to wake my kid up. Spoiler alert : "It doesn't work"

(Some hashtags. Because, after all, I just want this video to be seen : )

First song for a new set of tracks. made with love, with my hands, my voice, my piano, free softwares and a child flute.

Thank you for listening !

J'ai réalisé un site pour notre petite asso (qui propose son outil de recherche de plantes pour un symptôme donné). Un site moderne mais open source, qui peut fonctionner SANS cookie et SANS javascript et SANS récolter vos recherches.

Vous souhaitez obtenir des infos sur les bienfaits des plantes 🌿 ?

Notre petite asso met enfin à disposition son outil de recherche de plantes pour un symptôme donné. (que j'ai co-réalisé avec amour).

Voici une petite vidéo de démonstration.


(je mets des # parce qu'on a besoin d'avoir des membres si on veut que notre asso puisse continuer de vivre : )

Here's another recent creation

عدم ضبط النفس

Here's the last addition to the set : "What were the odds". Hope you like it !

(The rest of it is here :

Oh my god. I already made 12 tracks? Let's share them to the world ! As you wish...

Hope you like it 🎤 🎵🎶🎹

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Nico Nacq and friends (?)

Instance à dimension familiale et amicale.