RSS rules, period. I get more value from my 15 year-old RSS feed than anything else on the internet.

If you're interested in breaking into music theory, I cannot recommend @bd's cheatsheet enough.

People who design these "modern" languages think it's perfectly reasonable to require tons of CPU and memory to compile something, because it's easy for them to get these high performance compiling rigs. Any who complain that it's not feasible for a potato computer, they're like "You shouldn't be compiling software, peasant. We will compile it for you and send you the binary."

Then you ask how is it open source, if only they can compile it? Is source code that you can't compile even code at all? It's just text files! They say, "It's open source because here's the source right here!" Ignoring the tautology, you ask how you can trust that their binaries aren't secretly compiled with malicious source, and they'll say all like, "It's simple, peasant! Just compile the software yourself, and compare that binary with ours! I hope you have at least 16 gigabytes of RAM."

So that's why I like C, but not C++ or Rust. C was created back before they could create a privileged caste who can feasibly compile stuff. Honestly I'd like to see more love given to Ada and Forth, for much the same reason. More importantly, I'd like to undo Reaganomics, make privatization illegal, break up illegal mergers, separate commercial banking, make bank currency illegal, make stock buybacks illegal, make monopsony illegal, and then suddenly these elite castes of pretentious fuckheads would stop appearing to design le new computer language.

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Nico Nacq and friends (?)

Instance à dimension familiale et amicale.